Got this on DVD
26 February 2005
This is one of those films that you get more for the nostalgia than any great quality. It is representative of the those 60's pop culture films that were made just to pass an afternoon. The real joy of it now is watching Tony Randall, Jim Backus, Janet Leigh, a (very young) Richard Drefuss, Roddy McDowell and the rest in a "family friendly" vehicle, peppered by harmless "Boyce and Hart"-like Rock and Roll. Made by Jack Arnold, The Creature director, backed up by the producer of Flipper, it's a nice romp. I saw it when I was younger and could not help but get the DVD, which has a nice crisp transfer. I was amused upon re-watching it as an adult to see that Leigh and Randall seem to be acting in different movies; he's applying just the right light, frothy touch while she is dead-on serious as if this were some deep drama instead of just a piece of light entertainment. It makes her character almost too intense at times.
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