Seen It All Before
7 March 2005
Hey a tough mercenary goes undercover as a teacher to gain revenge on a tough gang who are running drugs ! Where have I seen that movie before ? Hey I saw the exact same plot in a movie called THE SUBSTITUTE with Tom Berenger going into a tough inner school to wipe out a drugs gang . In fact both plots feature the new arrival going into class and telling the kids about 'Nam . If there's any difference between the movies it's that the sequel is even dumber than the original

How dumb is it Theo ? Well for a start we see a tough gang of black kids wearing hoods similar to the KKK ! I'm just thinking that any homies dressed like the Klu Klux Klan might make themselves very unpopular with other gangs in the ghetto . But it gets dumber believe it or not . The gang tries to kill a girl then after they've killed someone else they drive off leaving the girl alive to become a possible witness . Later on the cops drive past and it's only then that the gang decide to try and kill the hero . I've never tried to bump anyone off but surely it's a bad idea to shoot someone when the cops are at the other end of the street ?

As you can expect in these type of movies none of the cast will be nominated for Oscars , but it's a shame that Berenger couldn't reprise his role since Treat Williams isn't much of a treat in the acting stakes . I'm also very sorry to pick on one of the cast by name but Susan May Pratt as Anya Thomasson is absolutely abysmal , she is totally wooden and mumbles her lines like she's reading out a shopping list . The only half way decent acting comes from some of the gang members , but how difficult is it to play foul mouthed gangsters ?

I hope no one picks me up wrong but the only positive thing I can say about SCHOOL'S OUT is that the director has cast all black actors as gang members . How many movies have seen featuring a tough ghetto gang that is one third black , one third white , and one third Latino ? Too many would be the answer and some congratulations are in order for not taking a PC view of ethnic composition of gangs . It should also be pointed out many of the victims of this gang violence are black themselves so at least this aspect rings true . But if you want a realistic movie you might want to miss the bell for THE SUBSTITUTE 2 : SCHOOLS OUT
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