Review of Cool Money

Cool Money (2005 TV Movie)
This is a TV movie on USA, where does it get off being GOOD?
25 March 2005
I found out about this movie 24 hours ago, and in that time the summary on the main page has changed three times. Each of them made reference to James Marsters' most famous previous job, on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which may or may not be a good thing.

I'm not an obsessive fan (as far as you know), but he's a solid actor, and so is everyone in this movie who isn't playing a cop. This is a TV movie on USA, for crying out loud, where does it get off being GOOD? The last TV movie on USA I watched was "Hard Cash" with Christian Slater and Val Kilmer, and there is a prime example of two hours of my life I will never get back. While that was a movie made by a director and actors who are all on their way down, "Cool Money" (despite the lame title) is made with relative unknowns both behind and in front of the camera, and I hope to see them working again soon on newer and bigger things.

Director Gary Burns keeps the action moving along quickly, despite the obvious handicaps that are commercial interruptions, and having the budget of a USA TV-movie. The script, by Shelley Evans, doesn't exactly pop, but it's above average for what it is, and gives us some really great characters, even if the memorable lines are few and far between.

Even if you know nothing about Marsters, he's an actor with presence and the face of a man up to no good; he'd look right at home in any Guy Ritchie movie. High marks for this one, and extra bonus points for a shockingly good Margot Kidder as Comfort's New York mother.
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