Big Disappointment
27 March 2005
When i rented the first Wishmaster when it arrived here in Sweden in '97, i thought it was a masterpiece and a new horror character was born: Andrew Divoff as The Djinn. around 2 years later i saw (at the same store) Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies and i thought YES and it starred Divoff again. but it was a bit disappointing - it wasn't as good as the first movie (how many sequels are?..) but Divoff was brilliant as always but the script was a little boring and it was almost the same story as the first one. about 2 years later i heard about a third one and i thought wow - it's gonna to be a trilogy..! and i hoped Divoff returned as the Djinn..but no, Divoff was replaced by John Novak and the third movie was not as bad as i thought it would be, Jason Connery (Sean Connery's son) saved the movie but Novak wasn't so bad at all either. then i heard about a fourth movie (was it going to be a big series ??) and i couldn't wait but sadly it never came to Sweden for rental so i purchased the UK release of the DVD and last summer i watched it and it was a big big disappointment...well the script was really bad (why name a movie the prophecy fulfilled when it wasn't ??..stupid) the biggest disappointment were that Divoff didn't return for this one either (maybe a great choice 'cause the script sucked). i hope Chris Angel won't be directing more Wishmaster, because he have nearly destroyed the Wishmaster series - the third was OK but no more, the fourth was awful really awful. Well if their is ever gonna be fifth movie bring back Divoff or do a "Wishmaster VS Wishmaster" (Divoff VS Novak). don't make the mistake i did - to buy this DVD.

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