Review of The Pacifier

The Pacifier (2005)
Fun movie - if you are five years old and never saw a movie before
28 March 2005
Seems like Vin Diesel wants to follow in Arnold Schwarzeneggers footsteps when he went from a typical badass macho character to something like a comedian in movies like Kindergarden Cop and Twins.

Maybe Diesel made too much money from before, and thought he wanted to focus on his talent as an actor instead, and widen his artistic abilities.

There is one drawback with this plan though: He simply cannot act, and the story of the movie badly needs some serious acting talent to rescue it from total failure. Sadly enough the only person who delivers anything close to good acting is Brad Garrett, who only has a guest appearance.

The movie is your typical "badass comes to realize family is more important than whatever he is doing" thing, which we have seen numerous of times before. Nothing new here, and with no acting talent the only thing that can possibly save the movie is humor.

Unfortunately the humour is so childish even a 7 year old would be offended, and I can't recall laughing at all during the movie. It is just too cute, politically correct as well as over the top predictable.

The only reason to see the movie I can think of, saving having someone point a gun at your head, is hardcore fans of Vin Diesel might get a kick from just watching him move around on the screen or whatever. But this is just a sad piece of movie, clearly just a money making effort trying to capitalize on Vin Diesels name in a cute and proved family comedy concept that is way below par.
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