The Reagans (2003 TV Movie)
Put 'The Reagans' on the curb
25 March 2005
I'd love to hear what others thought about this movie. Maybe I am more a fan of Reagan and a bigger sucker for hype than I thought, but the supposed bio-film, 'The Reagans,' to which CBS gave the boot, was garbage. A Cabinet-appointed committee should be set up to investigate this bad movie-making. CBS -- and Showtime -- should have given it the boot because it was a rain-soaked cardboard facsimile of Ron and Nancy and a bad movie, not for any ideological controversy. "Idiot-logical," maybe -- logical to idiots.

The real controversy is that the movie sucked amazingly well and garnered any extensive media attention at all, short of the kind that 'Gigli' earned, for being a bad film. The only controversy growing out of this bad pic should be a belief growing among conspiracy theorists that the movie's real goal was to coyly reveal that the Reagans were actually robots that went wildly out of control, created by Ron's former employer, GE.

The characterization of Nancy was particularly one-dimensional (no, I won't even give it 2-D). The expression on her face through almost the whole movie -- the two hours I suffered through, of the three -- had me waiting for her to pull out a big knife and start jabbing at anything that moved, like the freaky undead Nazi assassin in 'Hellboy.'

Like most movies written and produced to leave a bad taste in one's mouth, it was without a good script and strived unimaginatively to make people think Nancy was solely a greedy woman who manipulated her brainless husband into politics. It will die a death like any such movies and TV shows, such as this goofy Henry Winkler show where he was trying to make fun of conservative radio hosts only to look like a dork himself. Add to that list Bill Maher's very existence in the public eye; once an enjoyably opinionated talker, he's proved to be more myopic than most of his guests on 'Politically Incorrect.'

Who cares what you think, you silly bio-film producers and writers. "Why can't you tell an honest story, no matter your intent?" That's what I'd like to ask the creators of 'The Reagans.' I wasted two hours of my life trying to figure out why anyone made this feeble movie, rather than trying to recall the good, bad and ugly of Reagan's public life with some sort of relevance.

NOTE: 0 out of 34 people found this review useful as of 2008. I want to thank each and every one of you. Judging from the other reviews on here, which got very favorable reactions from readers, I am happily alone in this instance.
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