12 April 2005
This was very, very good. Considering it was made for TV I thought the action and special effects were great. Richard Thomas was perfect as the boy who finds out what war is really like. Ernest Borgnine fantastic, what a great actor. It does a very good job of capturing the book which is to show the war from a common man's point of view. Hungry, dirty, seeing all your friends die, etc. The guy that wrote the book lived through the war but all his friends were killed. He drifted from job to job, had trouble sleeping, etc, what they call now post-trauma, then to get the stuff out of his head he wrote it down in 1929. Then boom! It's a bestseller, he has money, goes to Hollywood, marries a move star (Paulette Goddard) and travels around the world. The Nazi's hated him so he couldn't go back to Germany until after WWII but as you look at the movie it's amazing the guy's life turned out like it did. His life would make a great movie.
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