Bullet Ballet (1998)
Who thought revenge could be so boring ?
20 April 2005
Shinya Tsukamoto (the director) takes up the lead role, Goda. Goda seems to be your average guy. On the way home he listens to his girlfriend sing on the phone to him. Life is good. As soon as he gets home, he finds out that his girlfriend shot herself in their apartment. Depressions sets in. He wants to know why. He doesn't understand why she did it ? Who gave her the gun ??

Goda is a pretty successful commercial director, who seems (to others like his friend and coworkers) to be dealing with the loss quite well. It is even mentioned that he has not even taken one day off. From there he spirals into this underworld search for the reason his girlfriend killed herself and a gun. He is runs into Chisato (leather clad mannequin-like woman wishing to die, it seems) and the bait is taken. He is beaten up and his money taken, yet he continues to follow Chisato and her gang. The funniest aspect of the movie is Goda's attempt to get a gun. He is rejected by most dealers (who are mostly gaijin and are selling only drugs) and is even sold a water gun filled with sand. He follows this with an equally funny series where he orders gun parts and assembles his own gun, complete with bullets. The funny part is when he actually tries to use the gun.

Shinya Tsukamoto continues the visual style that we are used to seeing from him. This movie is black and white and is quite industrial looking. There is some action (which is usually pretty graphic), but that is only the vehicle for the "story". I had heard a lot about this movie, and had seen 4 of the director's previous movies (Tetsuo, Snake of June, Gemini and Tokyo Fist). I was quite bored and disappointed with the movie. The director does a pretty good job at playing Goda, however, the rest of the cast is a little cardboard. I think there is suppose to be a unconventional love story in there (Chungking Express on acid), however, its quite flat, not to mention that the actress playing Chisato is quite annoying. I think getting someone straight off the street would have done a better job.

I have seen other avant-garde movies, some which made less sense than this movie, however, they were more interesting visually and/or conceptually. I think the Tetsuo length would have been more appropriate for this movie (namely 60 minutes instead of 90). I would not recommend this movie. If you want to see a good Shinya Tsukamoto movie, go see Tokyo Fist. If you want to see an avant-garde Shinya Tsukamoto movie, go see Tetsuo or Snake of June.
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