Review of Fatty Finn

Fatty Finn (1980)
lolly legs kids hero
27 April 2005
Hugely popular Australian children's comic strip dating from the 1920s was shrewdly made into a BUGSY MALONE style feature set in 20's style Sydney and filmed in the early 80s. Well directed and with a great cast of well known Oz TV favourites FATTY FINN became a big hit on cinema screens across Australia. Colourful and rude and silly and with all the classic Our Gang style antics that speak to kids of any language, it deserves a DVD release worldwide..perhaps together on one disc or release along with its almost-sequel the movie version of GINGER MEGGS who was the mirror image comic strip in a rival newspaper for decades. GINGER MEGGS was a good idea, filmed to follow up FATTY FINN and equally as successful. Not seen on moviescreens since the 80s and not on TV for 15 years, they would be big hit films all over again today if the effort was put in to them. Internationally on DVD too. Fatty Finn lead actor the cute blond Ben Oxenbould has grown into a skinhead monster with tattoos and can be seen in the recent criminal caper comedy GET RICH QUICK, which just won an award at an indie fest in in Oklahoma of all places!
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