An extremely well done documentary which reaches well beyond the boundaries of sports.
27 April 2005
An extremely well done documentary which reaches well beyond the boundaries of sports. Even though it follows the boxing career of Emile Griffith, its a poignant story that touches upon an era of innocence in America that is long gone. Sports writer, Pete Hamill made an early comment in the film in which he states that even though it is 1962, America was still living in the '50s. Being almost 2 decades removed from our World War II war heroes, America was on the cusp of a new time. A time where death could be seen on TV. A time where our potential new heroes would be scrutinized and seen as human with frailties and tastes that may be different from what was perceived as the norm. I would recommend this documentary to all, not only sports fans. But, only by being a sports fan, did I hear about it on commercial TV (which I don't watch much of). I look forward to seeing it again, hopefully, on DVD soon. It would be unfortunate if people judge this as only as a sports documentary.
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