A spectacularly awful horror spoof.
3 May 2005
This is quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. Shoddy production values could be forgiven, even poor editing and lousy pacing could be excused by the occasional good scene or a belly laugh, but these are nowhere to be found. The lone standout scene is the musical number, which manages to be vaguely acceptable, and the most amusing thing in the entire duration of the movie is a constantly stoned hippie character.

Let me repeat that.

The funniest thing in the film is a stoned hippie character who ends every line with "dude" or "man". He doesn't do or say anything particularly funny, either, but just by being a stoned hippie and saying "dude" and "man" he still manages to be funnier than everything else.

I'd try to summarize briefly just how dire this failed horror spoof is, but words fail me. You'll just have to see it yourself - it's prime material for a Mystery Science Theater-style evening at home with friends and a drink or seven, and not just because you need alcohol to dull the pain of witnessing the black hole where comedy dies in terrible pain.
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