Review of Saw

Saw (2004)
A Contrived Movie with Some Interesting Ideas
6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie relies heavily on disturbing imagery, chilling violence and fast cutting to make its point. If you just want to see some very disturbing things, this movie is for you.

Some reviews and the description on the DVD box try claiming that the killer is trying to teach people something and do some kind of therapy through his violence. These moral posturings are about as thin as tracing paper. The "teach a lesson" conceit comes across as a plot device to make more disturbing and creative violence rather than a need in the story telling.

It also follows many of the same old clichés. Hiding the killer's face. Making him go around in a scary skull/clown mask. It's not particularly original except in the conception of violent ways in which to kill people or force them to kill themselves or someone else.

If you're looking for a movie that shows killing and death in a gruesome and disturbing way, enjoy your blood feast. If you just need to fill your gore or violence needs, maybe this is the movie for you.

There are some elements with promise but they aren't followed up on well. There are also holes in the story. Its internal consistency and believability is threatened.

It is often scary, gut-churning, and vile. If you mostly want to focus on these elements then you may really like the movie since it presents these elements strongly. If you're looking for any motivation, uncontrived plot elements or useful characterization then I suggest watching something else.
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