A perfect movie for the home bound masochist
6 May 2005
I have watched all of this movie, frankly I have no idea why. It is mind-numbingly bad, no-one I know has ever watched this waste of celluloid to the end. Please, please find something else to do, if you have some hours to waste, try watching paint dry, or grass grow, at least then you've avoided an assault on your sensibilities.

There have been many movies made in the name of religion, some of them try to portray a positive outlook, others wish to create controversy. This movie has none of that, it doesn't even ask questions of the viewer. This movie is Travolta's gift to society to cure the world of insomniacs.

Those of us who have watched this turkey, should take some kind of class action against the creators, for subjecting us to this visual vomit.
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