Review of Red Water

Red Water (2003 TV Movie)
More than "just another shark thriller"
26 May 2005
"Oh no, not another one" was the first thing I thought when I discovered this movie at my local video store. But being a fan of animal horror movies I couldn't resist, and so I watched it. And I don't regret I did. It's not the usual shark horror movie. It's rather an action thriller where one of the villains happens to be a man-eating shark. Well, the only disappointment for me was that this movie was produced for TV and therefore doesn't have the qualities of a big screen movie. But Lou Diamond Phillips, Kristy Swanson and the other actors give their best to make this an above average TV production. The story is good, but nothing we haven't seen before. The action is okay, and the shark effects are well done. I've been disappointed more than twice with Lou Diamond Phillips' movies in the past few years but in "Red Water" he did some great acting. I also loved the Louisiana setting with Cajun music and nice atmospheric sceneries. Since it doesn't have a lot of new ideas, though, I'll give it 6 out of 10, but if you get a chance, watch it. It's worth your while, if only an alternative to a boring TV program. Jasper P. Morgan
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