Review of Madagascar

Madagascar (2005)
Cute for kiddies but not the kid in me.
1 June 2005
I was rather disappointed with this film. As an adult, I found the film mediocre overall. The jokes were not very funny and I found the voice-overs rather bland (especially for "Alex" the lion), with the exception of David Schwimmer. My interest in the story lessened considerably when the animals left New York and arrived in Madagascar. I think the film would have been better if the animals had decided to make a break for Connecticut or Montana rather than having them be shipped off to Africa. The scene-stealers were the penguins, who were quite amusing, and the best sequence in the entire movie was the opening shot of a chorus of penguins singing "Born Free." While watching the film, I kept hoping the main characters would leave and the penguins would return. The littlest tykes in the theater seemed to enjoy this a bit, but adults will find it not worth their while.
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