Story regains the the dynamics of Episode IV!!!
31 May 2005
The first thing I want to say is that the dialogue in this movie is exceptional. The opening scenes especially feel really dynamic and casual, serious without being pretentious. I'm really regretting the fact that this is the climactic appearances for Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen, because I get the impression they've finally found the right fit for their characters.

This story is really very much on par with Episode IV, especially with the pacing and the plot dynamics. It's snappy, with a great balance between light-heartedness and serious themes. I personally think the balance is spot-on here. We've finally gotten rid of the 90s-style self-conscious p/c delivery that was apparent in the first two episodes, and finally have characters that really move and talk with each other.

And once again, the art direction in this film is totally breathtaking. The ship designs sets, locations, costumes and props feel just right - alien but still some familiarity. The art deco-style look of the central planet is very chic (same reason I personally loved TITAN A.E. btw), Naboo still looks like a romantic paradise, and the outer war planets and the Wookie world look suitably grim yet photogenic and appropriately thematic.

(Main spoilers here)

Now for the (minor) quibbles. General Grevious really doesn't work that well. The character is way too clichéd and forced, and the coughing and wheezing feels too unbelievable for a droid character - even one that apparently has a little natural biology buried within it. I know he's meant to be an escapist stooge villain, a blow-hard menace - bur even so, the character still feels thin and under-developed; not really that convincing as a serious threat.

And the ending feels a bit too pat and anti-climactic, with too much of a forced shoehorning to Episode IV. Yeah, it was great to see the babies delivered to their adopted homes, to see the big transformation of Anakin to Vader, and to hear the familiar old character themes in the music; but even so the ending actually sort of just peters out, nothing really awe-inspiring or climactic. Even if it is a downer ending, it could have been a bigger one. Something like the final ousting of Bail Organa out of the capital and the Emperor forcing his rule maybe. Or something else big and majestic.

But enough of the whining, this is still 99.99% effective. It still is the most awesome sci-fi legendary storytelling we have. Great job; kudos to everyone involved!!! PS: The scene where Yoda knocks the Emperor's guard out of the way got the biggest laugh with the audience I was with - it's a good highlight moment.
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