Jack Frost (1997 Video)
Don't you go where Mr. Jack Frost goes...don't you eat his yellow snow.
5 June 2005
Alrighty...I've read on here lots of bad reviews about this film...and very few (rare) good reviews. Mine...is neutral. While I have to agree on how just overall "bad" this film was...I can't say that I DIDN'T enjoy it. It's really hard to diss a film that doesn't take itself seriously. I don't think Michael Cooney set out to make a brilliant, blockbuster slasher that stars A+ actors and has the best gore effects (or snowman effects) ever...although I can't say they were bad either. Jack Frost is just a brainless, fun film that doesn't require much from the viewer. It offers inventive ways of killing someone, as well as comedic one liners (mainly from Jack Frost). If you're looking for a harmless, think-free film with cool death scenes then this is a good film to watch. If you're looking for the next Texas Chainsaw Massacre then you're dreamin big dreams with this one. *wink* 5/10
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