Watch it ONLY if it's aired on cable.
7 June 2005
Not as terrible as people say... ...but it's still very bad. I liked the idea of the invocation which added some supernatural and demonic tone to the movie but then the movie soon starts to fall to the typical "revenge of the geek" slasher flick. The make-up of the killer was pretty good (kind of a poor Crospy imitation) and that's the best thing about the movie overall.

The death scenes are very poor (little gore, chills) and that's a shame because some of them had potential. This is your typical direct to video slasher flick but it's worth take a look ONLY for gorehounds of the genre.

I'm in a good mood so that's why I'm not going to get into detail about it's flaws (oh, there are MANY).

Something I noticed. There weren't THAT many hot girls. I mean, sexy women and sex in a slasher flick is ncessary! and there's only one LAME sex scene and no sexy women to get your attention. Now I'm in a bad mood.
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