Robin Hood (1973)
An interesting film from the post-Walt era
8 June 2005
Disney's Robin Hood (1973) was the second film released after Uncle Walt's death (the first was the Jungle Book-1968). I've always liked this film for Different reasons. When I was younger, I liked it because, was Disney. Everything Disney was right in my eyes. Robin Hood was one of my favorite films as a small child. Recently, I saw it again on television after not seeing it for a very long time. Now I have a whole new set of reasons for why I thoroughly enjoy this film.

Ken Anderson did something quite special with Robin Hood, he combined the elements of a traditional animated Disney feature with some creative ideas of his own.

One element of both Disney animated features and shorts where the use of animals instead of people where telling an unoriginal story. The story of Robin Hood had been told in many live-action movies (with Earl Flynn's performance still the standard). In the Disney film, the animators used the obvious choice of a fox for the role of Robin Hood. Maid Marian had to be a Vixen (because inter-species love is really weird). A bear was a good choice for Robin's right hand man, because as we all know, fat people make perfect sidekicks.

Another Disney tradition upheld was the great animation. Ever since Snow White, Disney has been the standard for great animation. Though other animation studios tried to duplicate Disney, they we're seldom successful. The animation in Robin Hood was no exception.

Robin Hood was also a very original film for Disney. The film started with a Rooster that sang folks song and was kind of a hippie. In most movies about Robin Hood he was kind of this God figure that was untouchable. In this one, Robin Hood was just a regular guy that only wanted to help his people out. He had his dreams and ambitions and faults like everyone else.

In closing, Robin Hood is a great family film. Children, teenagers, and adults can enjoy it. 8 out of 10 stars.
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