Rat Lovers Rejoice!
15 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out with a guy pouring glow stick goop down a sink. Any movie that starts out with glow stick goop is OK in my book! (Let's hear it for ReAnimator!) Okay, this is a really, really bad movie. The characters, script, and acting are not worth mentioning. But it's full of RATS! Loads and loads of RATS! Lots of close-ups of their cute little ratty faces. Lots of images of adorable rats running here and there. If you're a rat fan, you'll dig it.

Then there are the rat attacks. Simply sublime. Shaky camera work, girls tossing their hair around, people screaming wildly as rat puppets "chew" on their body parts, people holding fat, bewildered pet rats up to their throats and shrieking. If you're not giggling by the end of the first demise, you're in a coma. (And there's actually a fairly decent "chewed off face" effect at one point. I suspect they spent all their money on that effect. And on rat chow.)

And then, there's the giant rat. YES, what a surprise, there's a giant rat. Sometimes it's a giant rat puppet, or a disembodied tail dragging around. But the VERY BEST part comes at the end, when you get a good look at the whole rat.


I laughed so hard I sprayed diet Dr. Pepper through my nose and hit the dog from five feet away!

*Spoiler. Like anybody cares.*

It gets better. They set the giant rat on FIRE. Yes, we get a flaming giant rat. Then the flaming giant rat is riding around on top of a van, which is pretty amusing. Then it falls INTO the van, where it appears to be driving it. I was lying on the floor howling with laughter and rolling around in my popcorn by the time this movie ended.

I gave this flick zero stars as a horror film, but ten stars as a "stay up all night watching really bad movies and drinking beer with your buds" flick. I intend to add it to my Giant Rat Movie Marathon party this summer.

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