All sizzle, nooooo steak.
20 June 2005
Having nearly no continuity or connection to the first film, Jamie Kennedy plays Tim Avery, an under-appreciated loser who desperately wants to make it as an animator. So when an unexpected bundle of joy comes along, he gets more than he bargained for... oh god. Cheesy premise, yes, but is it watchable? There are only two reasons this movie was made. One: Money. (duh.) Two: an exercise in animation techniques and physical effects. Like those straight-to-tape Disney sequels, this movie strikes me as "practise" for animators and animation techniques. That said, the different animations and computer graphics throughout the movie are very good and are amalgamated with the live action fairly well. However, besides that and the surprising heartfelt 'message' near the end of the movie, the good stuff pretty much ends there.

Jim Carrey MADE the original movie. Now Jamie Kennedy has shown his versatility behind a disguise on 'The Jamie Kennedy Experiment', yet he seemed really restricted and NON-wild in his subpar prosthetics. Sadly, even a decent performance from super talented Alan Cumming couldn't really help a script that really seems to go all over the place. Add to all this a CG animated baby that "doesn't quite look right" and you have yet another shallow attempt to cash in on a surprisingly profitable original.

Is "Son Of The Mask" worth watching for the average viewer? I don't think so. Is this harmless family viewing? Mostly. But if you're an animation buff like I am and grew up on those Tex Avery-type cartoons, you MIGHT be able to appreciate this movie for that aspect. 2 out of 10.
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