Watch Tom Conway "Crack the Whip"
25 June 2005
Second in the Tom Conway Falcon series. Without much merit, but passable watching if you have not much else to do. It just does not seem like the actors had their hearts in this project. Tom Conway delivers his lines and not much else. Amelita Ward as the Falcon's female sidekick from Texas is simply too annoying and thankfully is shipped off to her former fiancé Buck Thompson at the end of the movie never to be seen again in the series. Two damsels in distress keep the Falcon off balance but their rivalry is just not credible. One of them, Jean Brooks, makes appearances in multiple Falcon movies but never again as part of a "crack the whip" at a roller rink. Clarence Kolb does a good job as the missing wealthy industrialist. Interestingly, in this entry, the policemen do not stand out and are more part of the woodwork then important characters. The plot is reasonably fair but viewers today will have to make allowances for the unexplained events such as blackouts, German-accented heavies, and gambling dens being converted to dining rooms which may not be quickly understood by a modern audience. Some of more important the scenes pass too fast to hear the words being said and understand their significance to the storyline. There is a critical clue that should allow the viewer to identify the true culprit before the end of the movie. As usual, the Falcon attracts your pretty women.
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