Student Seduction (2003 TV Movie)
Saddled with the misfortune of a terrible title, this somber flick is above average
26 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Say the words: lifetime movie and a lot of people roll their eyes. Say the name Elizabeth Berkely and many think "Showgirls". Worse, take a name like "student seduction" which has to be one of the worst movie titles I've ever heard-(and I've heard a lot), and the pieces don't sound as if they add up to a lot. Yet this movie, while not great, was decent enough for me to give it an above average rating and it really could have been a 7 or 8(I think) if some things that went on hadn't been so muddled. But I really did think this movie wasn't half bad.

Most know the plot-a female teacher gets accused of making sexual overtures toward one of her students even though it was the other way around. Nobody seems to believe her-even her attorney and husband at times seem doubtful. So of coarse the movie deals with the teacher's attempts to bring about the truth.

Typical lifetime? Maybe. All I know is the movie had some pluses, number one being the performance by Berkely herself. She was good. Very much so. She actually made me forget she was in a thing called Showgirls and no matter what the quality of a movie, if a performer is good, they should be given kudos. Berkely is not only good but excellent and I am glad she was cast in this role. It was really an interesting movie because it is thought provoking and more then a little scary. I did enjoy it.

Cheesy title or not, I would have given this a much higher rating but for a few things. While the movie was relatively well written and the performances extremely good, there was a lot of things that were frustrating. A lot goes on behind the scenes and the movie never ever really explains why so many become convinced the teacher is actually the guilty party. Id have liked to see WHY everyone thought she did it. It was very muddled the way it was done, and comes off as rather contrived because instead of seeing events unfold in a believable way, we see person after person, start looking at the teacher with suspicion. So of coarse a lot of the time is spent in frustration at all the people who seem to be obsessed with pinning it all on the teacher. Yet without being presented with clear reasons- (WHY did the cops look at her with suspicion almost from the beginning?) it almost becomes annoying rather then intriguing.

Berkely however, is so good, and the premise so interesting it does make you want to watch till the end. I think 6 is the perfect rating. This isn't great but it is an interesting, well acted television movie that maybe at least worth a look if the subject matter interests you or if you are a fan of Berkely or television movies.
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