Con Air (1997)
A Mindless Adrenaline Rush of a Movie! ***1/2 out of 5
6 July 2005
It's interesting because I don't think I've ever seen a film where literally from beginning to end it's as non-stop and as fast paced as this one. Sure, there's plenty of movies that don't seem to let up, but this one in particular seems extremely anxious to get to the next big scene. It's almost in a rush at the beginning as to say 'Let's hurry up with how Nicholas Cage got into prison' and get on with the fun stuff.

And for this film it really works. The action here is INSANE. This is popcorn entertainment at it's best. There's planes, explosions, special effects, and all the razzle dazzle we've come to expect from a Bruckheimer film.

The cast itself is a real solid one. We have Nicholas Cage who's always a likable guy. John Malkovich who plays a really great lead villain and has some of the films best lines. Steve Buscemi who hands down is one of the coolest guys in all of Hollywood.

It also features a rousing score by Marc Mancina and Trevor Rabin. Always has the action packed, heroic, Bruckheimer feel to it.

Great stuff.
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