Review of Bogie

Bogie (1980 TV Movie)
We'll always have... Casablanca. Forgive them, Bogie for they know not what they did!
8 July 2005
Kevin O'Connor is as much like Humphrey Bogart as Victor Buono was like Marlon Brando. What were they thinking when they cast this thing? Okay, I'll give you Kathryn Harrold as Bacall. She's not perfect, but she can act and is fetching enough ("fetching" is a word that isn't used nearly enough) but this boring, by-the-book shallow TV biography is as tacky as a coin operated TV set in a hotel room. The best things about this turkey was the work of Anne Wedgeworth as Mayo Methot (who doesn't look a thing like the real Methot, but how many of you even know what she looks like? She only did a few small parts in Warner Brother flicks so...) and the actor who played Peter Lorre for about a hot second.

If you want a bio of Humphrey DeForest Bogart, there are plenty of good books out there, especially the latest and the Lauren Bacall autobiography from a few years back, but this hackneyed mess is about as pathetic as they come. Who ARE these people that think O'Connor was well cast anyway? And I thought MY vision was bad. Not to mention, the man sounds and acts nothing like the real thing. One day, they'll do this story right and cast the perfect guy so I can say in characteristic Bogie fashion, "You're good, kid. Real good!" This ain't the one, folkies. I'm gonna get a good belt of scotch now and watch the real Bogart in "Casablanca" or "The Maltese Falcon" and wash this bad memory from my mind.
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