Breakout (1959)
Always watchable
12 July 2005
This is one of my favourite POW films. But in fact 'Danger Within' is not just a POW film as such, it also falls into the Britfilm murder mystery genre.

The source for the story is a Michael Gilbert mystery 'Death in Captivity'published in the mid 1950's. It,s a cracking read and compliments the film as some narrative elements had to be changed for filmed purposes. The play within the story is different, and motivation of hero and villain is slightly more efficiently. It also gives you a glimpse into what happened after the mass escape.

For the Buff, spot Michael Caines first screen appearance, note the film's technical relationship to 'The League of Gentlemen', made in 1960 and watch the two on the same bill for a rewarding afternoon viewing.

To my mind this film also lifted Terrance Alexander from the rather predicable comedy character roles he was playing to top notch light drama actor. And Bernard Lee once again proved how dependable and useful he was in films filled with better known faces.
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