Dear God, Why?
13 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't believe Plympton managed to get this mess past the drawing board stage. I admired THE TUNE for it's extremely bizarre but beautiful animation, but here, he throws all taste or thought out the window, and makes what I guess is about fifty percent a spy movie parody that makes AUSTIN POWERS seem high brow, and fifty percent random crap that show how apparently Plympton has not got over a childish glee of drawing naughty bits or internal organs. People in this movie are basically seemingly composed of organs held together by crazy glue, because almost everyone gets mangled in a way that lets the red stuff spill around. But this, initially nauseating for its gore, then becomes nauseating for its boredom and lack of drive. What really irritates me is that, well, there's some good dialogue. Plympton was fully capable of making an infinitely better movie, but got mired in his obsession with trying to gross the audience out.
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