13 July 2005
The available elements of this yet to be completed internet-only film are excellent. Jimm & Josh, along with all the cast and hard-working crew (Scott Cummins-Director, Jason Pierce-Cinematographer, Joel Sarchet, and everyone who worked their butts off)all came on to this project as a labor of love (which meant no-one got paid).

In Exeter's second episode, Jim, Josh, Michael & Holly reprise their rolls in an episode that takes Capt. Garrovick, B'fuselek and their merry band of star trekers into deep space and into Garrovick's past. Like Kirk his distaste for the Klingons, Garrovick seems to have a deep hatred for the Tressarians and this is revealed in this episode.

The episode begins with distortions ripping through space and the discovery of the destroyed saucer section of USS Kongo on a planet's surface.

Things begin to heat up quickly as Garrovick and his crew begin to piece together what happened to the ship, her crew and Garrovick's old friend, Captain Kosnett.

In the style of true trek, Garrovick begins to turn over rock after rock only to discover the Tressarians are involved as well as an old familiar nemesis, the xenophobic Tholians.

These Tressarians are new to the Trek universe and are a welcome addition and though I cannot say more, I can tell you they are what the Romulans are to the Vulcans, kinda....

Also in true Trek style is the introduction of Garrovick's personal assistant Yeoman Richards played by Elizabeth Wheat. More than eye candy but really easy on the eyes, Richards character is crucial to the the storyline.

The question that remains is will Garrovick's hatred for the Tressarians blind him as it did Kirk, from the truth about what happened to Capt. Kosnett and his crew? Though incomplete at the time of this review, the Tressarian Intersection is a great script with lots of what has been missing from the Trek franchise. And, with the demise of Paramount's retro-trek, perhaps the internet IS the place that will save Gene's original vision.
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