Review of Low Blow

Low Blow (1986)
28 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this movie in a $3 bin. It was fantastic. That's not to say the acting was good; it was terrible. The one thing that makes this movie great is Leo Fong. If the lead actor was, say, Chuck Norris, you'd be groaning at the cheap lameness of it all. Leo Fong, however, goes about the movie with a cheerful suaveness that makes him likable, albeit a little laughable.

If you don't like these sorts of movies though, there is still one scene that makes the $3 all worthwhile: The face mashing scene. After Leo manages to down an opponent with a flurry of kung-fu excellence, he, with genius that is unsurpassed to this day, stomps on his victims head. The baddies face promptly explodes as Fongs shoe sinks into his face. Medically unplausible but hilarious. Apon playing the scene in slow motion it is revealed that the head is actually a plate of some sort of pudding.


The perpetual presence of eighties keyboard music, awful plot, terrible acting, and, of course, Leo Fong, makes this movie enjoyable.

It also teaches us valuable modus operandi: Always wear safety goggles when slicing up a car.
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