Prozac Nation (2001)
A very serious look at a depressed young woman
2 August 2005
Of course, after reading the book, I expected a little more from the film, but I was still impressed. This movie takes a serious look at a young woman, Elizabeth Wurtzel (Christina Ricci), on her way to Harvard. It's almost immediately apparent that she has some kind of emotional problems. I think this film depicted the definition of a depressed person very well; self destruction, lashing out at people who care about you, and never wanting to leave your bed, "Afraid that you'll wake up alive". This is not a date film or a chick flick, but a serious movie with some surprising outstanding acting! Christina has finally broken out of the teeny bopper role, Jason Biggs gave a surprising serious performance, and Jessica Lange pulls them all together playing the nervous over bearing mother. The one thing that the movie missed was how Elizabeth did get well after taking the Prozac. This movie really didn't touch on that too much.

My favorite scene in the movie, is the beginning when she's at the Lou Reed concert. I'm a big fan of Lou Reed, and this scene was shot really well.

I would recommend this movie, but at times, I did feel that it dragged a little at times.
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