Off the Map (2003)
Another movie about people and life's simple beauty
9 August 2005
Sadly enough, movies like this, hardly ever reach the theaters in Romania. It took almost two years for this one to get to our screens.

Not only do they reach us with huge delays, but when they do eventually get to show, they only show it for a week or two and so discrete as if they are struggling for you to miss it, as if they are trying to keep it secret so nobody sees them.

My girlfriend wanted to see a movie, so I chose this one. Did not know anything about it, but noticed the nominations and Joan Allen's name so I decided to go.

Another simple movie about other people from this vast world. Just beautiful. Nothing spectacular, nothing too dramatic, no strong language, nothing commercial. Just clever and simple and beautifully shot.

It's really a masterpiece.

A movie where the beauty of nature (the skies, the animals) brings the characters closer to God, to the meaning of life. You don't get to see that much often, unfortunately.

Strong characters, each in their own way, following their calling.

If only there were more movies like this... not trying to teach anything, not trying to shock you in any way, but just trying to see another type of existence. It could be you... it could be me... but this time, it's them.

Loved it!
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