Lots of imagination, Low Budget
23 August 2005
Title: The Dead Next Door (1988)

Director: J.R. Bookwalter

Cast: Pete Ferry, Bogdan Pecic, Michael Grossi, Robert Kokai

Review: When I was starting out as a horror fan, I tried to get myself up to date with as many horror films as I could. I wanted to become an expert so I quickly rented/bought as many horror films as I could get my monkey paws on. In my research across the net for films that I had not seen, one name constantly came up whenever zombie films were mentioned: The Dead Next Door. So boy was I ever happy when I head this film would finally make its way on to DVD! My curiosity for this hard to find zombie flick would finally be quenched!

As in many if not all zombie movies, the world is being inexplicably overrun by hoards of the undead. As a counter measure the government of the United States creates a "zombie squad". A group of heavily armed government funded soldiers who's mission is to go around destroying as many zombies as they can. But hold on. Not everyone in this world wants zombies to be destroyed. There's this religious cult who wants nothing more then to let the zombies roam free in the world. And if God wants to exterminate humans by sending the zombies to do the job for him...then so be it!

OK, first off. This movie is low budget. And I'm not talking House of the Dead low budget, where a director gets a few million dollars to make his zombie opus. I'm talking really low budget. The type of low budget were everybody works for free (even the actors!) and the extras are all your friends. I'm talking about those independent films where one ambitious fan boy (in this case director J.R. Bookwalter) will do anything to make his own horror film as a homage to all his horror heroes. Its very similar to other ultra low budget horror fare like The Deadly Spawn and Leif Jonkers Darkness. Films that were made solely because there's people out there who love horror films, want to have some fun and have tons and tons of imagination.

The fan boy element can be seen right from the get go, where the movie opens up with an actual zombie going into a video store...selecting Dawn of the Dead, The Evil Dead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Creepshow from the store shelf, going up to the video store clerk and eating him alive. Also most of the characters in the film are named after a famous horror director. Be ready for most of the characters calling each other Raimi, Carpenter, King, Jason, Vincent and so on. So its obvious that the makers of this film are horror buffs.

In spite of its meager budget the film managed be very interesting. There's a lot of cool little ideas thrown here and there that I had not seen on any other zombie flick. For example before Land of the Dead ever came up with their own little zombie killing squad, this movie had already thought it up. I loved the idea of that. I also loved the idea about a religious cult who think that zombies should be left alone since they were sent by God to destroy humanity and make them pay for their sins. And I had never seen zombies with restraints in their faces so they couldn't bite you! Cool ideas even though you have little money to make your movie.

I also liked the make up effects which were actually pretty cool. He is uncredited but director Sam Raimi secretly funded this movie pitching in with a little money...and its obvious that that little bit of money went to the zombie effects. There's some cool looking rotting corpses in here and I gotta give the movie kudos for that.

On the downside the film looks like if it was lit with a flashlight. And I'm not exaggerating, sometimes actors are on the scene and they don't even show up because its so dark! The quality of the lighting was what really messed up this film. If only it had been well lit, it wouldn't feel so amateurish. As it is, you can tell that these were just a bunch of kids learning how to make a movie. Which isn't bad because as a result the film has a certain energy and imagination that other films lack, but on a technological level the movie suffered.

The acting is pretty bad as well. I'm not going to go into just how bad some of the performances are cause it kind of gives the film a certain fun element of goofiness. I actually dug the bad dialog and the bad acting.

All in all, not a bad zombie film. There's a lot of gore and zombie action to keep any zombie fan happy. I mean every five seconds there's a zombie related incident that usually ends up with some one getting their throats ripped off in a very Tom Savini kind of way. You know, lots of tendons and muscles. So anyhows, even though this film is so very low budget, the love and energy and imagination put into it shows. And it translates into an enjoyable and fun (yet cheap) zombie film.

Rating: 3 out of 5
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