Funny and entertaining, nothing more - but nothing less either.
23 August 2005
I've seen this movie slammed in previous ratings an comments pretty hard, but as I liked the TV series, I thought I'd give it a try. So I went to see it and, I have to say, was pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's brainless and yes the humor is quite crude, but so what? This movie is enormously entertaining and damn funny, too - if you let it. And it doesn't make the crucial mistake (that so many other comedies of a similar kind do) of trying to be serious, trying to post one of these currently so popular messages (be a better person - I can, and sure you know you can be too...yeah, right) or trying in any other way to not be what it is: right-in-your-face entertainment and fun.

So, for it to work watch it with your higher brain functions switched to zero and your mind set for fun and everything's fine.

So, therefore: 7/10
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