Review of The Cave

The Cave (2005)
I like the tag line
29 August 2005
The tag line says it all. "There are places man was never meant to go." and this movie is one of them. This is the latest in what must be the new refuge of the talentless director and cinematographer. When they don't have the knowhow or the skills for graphic depiction, ... they simply shake the camera. This brilliant advancement covers a number of sins, not the least of which are amateurish action sequences, and unimaginative monsters that look like leftovers from Godzilla Ate Hollywood. Enough already, at least hire a camera person who isn't going through withdrawals. The actors are presentable and do reasonably well with the insipid material. Some of the cave shots are worth a look, but not worth the price of sitting through this formulaic sci monster version of Ishtar Got Wet.
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