Review of Hotel

Hotel (2004)
of all films at the 2004 festival its the only one that put me to sleep
29 August 2005
I didn't see much in terms of original thinking by the director.

Much of it seemed hap-hazzardly borrowed from the work of other horror movies directors' devices.

Parts were mind numbingly dull, especially to sophisticated audiences. Namely the hallway scenes that fade to black. More closeups on facial expressions of fear were needed rather mere darkness.

The person in the next chair who nudged me awake said not to worry about it - he wished he could fall asleep too.

I hope that the disappointment of Hotel won't be reflective in "You bet Your Life (2005)" which airs at this years film festival and has the same producer - Antonin Svoboda

Its funny how you can remember parts of a bad movie more than a year after you see so many good ones.
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