Knight Rider 2010 (1994 TV Movie)
Wrong title for a great movie
31 August 2005
This is just sad. Most of the people watch it as a KITT film and get really disappointed. Actually, I was really surprised that most people hate this film...

DO NOT watch Knight Rider 2010 AS a KITT movie!! If the title would have been something like Wastelands 2010 or Sand Rider 2010, none (or at least most) of those poisonous KITT-fan comments would NOT have been written.

I myself watched this one a looong time ago, and thus aren't quite sure about the 7 out of 10 value, but I remember enjoying it MUCH more than ANY of the Hasselhoff KITT movies OR series.

So, for Knight Rider fans: BIG NO, for Mad Max fans: BIG YES, there aren't too many post-apocalyptic films out there, but this is one of them.
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