The Legend of Dragoon (1999 Video Game)
Pretty good game right along Final Fantasy
7 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Alright. I have seen a lot of comments on other sites saying how LOD is a dumb game, not for anyone but RPG lovers, etc... Well I believe they are wrong. I have not seen a game that is like this in the slightest. Sure the storyline is not completely "origonal" but what other game has part of the Battle system inside the story? The concept of the Draoons in this game are part of the storyline. Take the "Legend" that is talked about several times. 7 Humans with the power of the dragon become Dragoons to fight another race called "The Winged ones" or Winglys. Then in the present 7 other humans line up with Dragon Spirits to stop the 108th species from destroying the world. And in that is the typical romantic love story. Now lets go into Final Fantasy. I have not played all of them but in the ones I have played, the summons/Guardian Forces/Aeons etc... are not part of the storyline hardly at all. with the exception of FF8 how you use the GFs for status upgrades and in FFX where you gather Aeons as you go threw the game. Now I have seen a lot of people say that Final Fantasy is a better RPG. Well, in my opinion, FF isn't better, its on the same level. Take FF7 and LOD. They both have a great storyline, poor graphics (aside from the in-game movies), similar but not the same battle system. There are some things in FF7 that you wont find in LOD but in turn some things in LOD that are not in FF7. I have played FF7, FF8, FFX, and somewhat of FFX-2 as well as LOD, and out of these games, LOD and FFX are my favorites. I recommend LOD to any potential RPG player, it's a classic game that should not be measured the way it has been by a lot of non-appreciating players who can't see a good game if it slapped them in the face. And what's best of all, you can get your own copy for real cheep. I just bought a new copy from GameCrazy for only $10, because my old one was scratched up too bad for play.
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