Flat Followup
10 September 2005
The main characters less Cary Grant reappear for a second act in the Topper saga. Because Marion Kerby materialized by Topper's side in a hotel in the first movie (gasp), Mrs. Topper wants a divorce. Ghostly Marion thwarts the New York divorce proceedings but Mrs. Topper goes to France for a quickie divorce. Topper and Marion follow but, unfortunately, hilarity does not ensue in this slow-moving, predictable farce. The jokes are tedious variations on the first films antics and don't bear reuse; there aren't any really funny moments here. But -- Constance Bennett is gorgeous as always and ever so elegantly dressed. And Roland Young's remarkable physical comedy, e.g., lurching about as if he were being pushed or pulled by the invisible Marion, is worth watching. Bottom line: if you're an old movie buff and want to flesh out the Topper series, invest a few hours when you have nothing else to do and treat it as an educational investment. Don't expect many laughs.
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