Worth watching, excellent film, but not a masterpiece
22 September 2005
I agree with the above commenter though there were distracting storytelling and editing flaws that kept me from considering this excellent film a "masterpiece". I watch movies carefully but I am not clear what the story was of those kidnappers - something didn't connect for me. And who did Harry & Arch shoot when they left that miserable town the first time?

Also minor problems with some of the cuts - creative (I loved the fading freeze-frame as an old life gets left behind), but not always well executed (he lifts the glass of the kerosene lamp, the flame goes out, THEN he blows on the flame, THEN the light fades).

But these are quibbles. The film takes its languid time with wonderful Vilmos Zsigmond cinematography and Bruce Langhorne soundtrack, with pauses and silences galore that makes me ache for more movies with that quality. The relationships work themselves out and hearts reveal themselves in the looks, the silences, and the visuals, a hallmark of the best Westerns. Verna Bloom's part is very strong.

Well done, Peter Fonda.
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