Orions belte (1985)
Hollywood-style plot with the Norwegian realism to it
24 September 2005
I don't believe in a decent Norwegian action/thriller until I see one. Well, now I have! In fact it's more then decent, it's great! It's the Cold War. It's Svaldbard, Norway. Provides a strategic location caught between the US and Soviet. Codenamed: Orions Belt. When three sailors seek refuge from a storm they stumble over a secret Sovjet military installation. As a result they get the Sovjets on their backs trying to "shut them up" (you, know... kill them).

As I said this movie is simply great. It proves what I believe, that Norwegians can make good movies with a bigger plot then a trip to the store. The plot is Hollywood-style action with one man running to save his butt. However, there is the lack of literally over-kill on the special effects. It's more down to earth and more realistic witch makes it more believable (and more Norwegian). Russians actually speaks Russian and not English or Norwegian with a bad accent and the Norwegians actually informs their allies. You never see that in Hollywood. It's these details witch makes this a movie good.

The acting is good and the mood is tense. Just as you want it. Helge Jordal does a good job in the lead as Tom. With a lot of stage actors you get a kind of unnatural dialog and you may find that kind of disturbing, but just give it a shot. It gets better throughout the movie. The cinematography is good. Some shots could have been better, but it's nothing disturbing. The score, however, is probably the worst thing about this movie. It's not that bad, rally, but it sounds kind of cheep and 80's. Don't get me wrong, it does a good job in bringing suspense and feeling to the movie, so the soundtrack in it self is good, I just think the choice of instrument is wrong.

This is not just a movie for Norwegian. In fact it's a movie for everyone else. It gives a little insight into the role Norway played during the Cold War. It even has it's own little X-Files style conspiracy. The government knows, but denies. One man want's to expose the truth. It even has it's own cigarette-smoking man.

The first 15 minutes may seem a bit dull, but from there on the time flies. Orions Belte is a movie I truly can recommend.
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