Moving Violations-lations-lations!
3 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of my all-time favorite movies as a kid, MOVING VIOLATIONS disappeared from video stores and has finally been released on DVD. I bought it yesterday for a steal (I seriously questioned my relationship with my husband when he asked if I really needed to buy it) and was happy to find I remembered not only the song (moving violations – lations, lations, lations, when you move!), but most of the lines, and Don Cheadle's performance as the drive-thru window employee. I won't divulge the plot, because 1) it is irrelevant, and 2) I couldn't do it justice.

The bunch of misfits sent to traffic school are all friendly faces of the 80s, largely siblings of more famous stars. This is Sally Kellerman's finest role since Hot Lips Hoolihan, Nedra Volz (LUST IN THE DUST with Divine, EARTH GIRLS ARE EASY, "Different Strokes") invented dirty little old lady humor, and where has Brian Backer gone? I always dug him in POLICE ACADEMY 4: CITIZENS ON PATROL, and FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH. How about Wendy Jo Sperber of "Bosom Buddies" and BACK TO THE FUTURE? Remember the days when Meg Tilly was hot stuff and Jennifer was just her bimbette sister? Also yukking it up is James Keach, who is Jane Seymour's husband, Stacy Keach's little brother, and surely Thomas Lennon's inspiration for "Reno 911"'s Lieutenant Dangle. And have we since seen a more bizarre sex scene than the clothes making out in NASA's no-gravity chamber? Also hilarious is John Murray (brother of Bill) who had me laughing non-stop. If you think the POLICE ACADEMY movies are the nadir of civilization, you may want to skip this one, but if you inexplicably love them, like I do, buy or rent this immediately.
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