White Tiger (1996)
Fairly Good Martial Arts Film, That's Entertaining, With Fun Performances, However The Main Fight Between Daniels And Tagawa is Extremely Disappointing!
10 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fairly good Martial arts film, that's entertaining with fun performances, however the main fight between Gary Dainels and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is extremely disappointing!. All the characters are cool, and the story is fairly interesting throughout!, plus Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is simply amazing in this!. It has some awesome fight scenes, and some very cool shootouts as well, plus Gary Dainels has a lot of charisma, and is quite fun to watch!. Dainels and Julia Nickson-Soul have decent chemistry together, and there is quite an emotional scene near the beginning!, plus Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is extremely menacing as always as the main villain!. It has some decent plot twists, and the finale is really good,however if only for that final fight!. The plot is familiar, however it's executed pretty decently, and the film is never boring, plus there are a couple of shocking moments as well!. This is a fairly good Martial arts film, that's entertaining with fun performances, however the main fight between Dainels and Hiroyuki Tagawa is extremely disappointing!, worth the watch. The Direction is Decent. Richard Martin does a decent job here, with good camera work, okay angles, and keeping the film at a fairly fast pace throughout!. The only blood we get is bloody gunshot wounds. The Acting is very good!. Gary Dainels is fantastic here, he is extremely likable, charming, has a lot of charisma, kicks that ass, had decent chemistry with Julia Nickson-Soul, is a wonderfully talented Martial Artist, did pretty decent in his one emotional scene, and was a lot of fun to watch! (Dainels Rules!). Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is amazing as always, and is amazing here, he is extremely menacing, cold, vicious, pretty scary at times, and was his usual intense self, he was amazing! (Tagawa Rules!!!!!). Julia Nickson-Soul did what she had to do adequately, and had okay chemistry with Dainels. Rest of the cast do fine. Overall worth the watch. **1/2 out of 5
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