depressing and overrated
16 October 2005
I got this out one wet Sunday afternoon hoping for an inspirational school drama along the lines of "To sir with love" or "Dead poets society"-- something to moisten my eyes and make me think anything was possible. Boy was I wrong -- this muddling drama, which covers the last days of an old masters career at an English public school, was depressing from beginning to end. As each element of the masters tragic life was revealed to me, I kept wondering when the turn-around point would be. Surely this entire movie was not just going to be the telling of the sad life of an uninteresting man and an ineffective teacher -- surely there would be some rising climax to contrast the woe. But no! For the final speech scene which I hung on for, the master turned out the most embarrassing self pitying display I have ever seen on film -- something like my grandfather when he's had too many drinks at Christmas. Of course, the teachers and students dutifully applauded, shouted and stomped (to indicate to the viewer that this was indeed the climax) but I was just thought he was an old fool. There were admittedly some nice insights into human behavior and relationships and some good English upper-class mocking (tea and cricket chaps!) but the other characters never seemed to develop as if to save room for the central story. Unfortunately, the sad old teacher didn't developed beyond self-pity throughout the entire movie, leaving me with the definite impression that he "..got what he deserved, no more and certainly no less".
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