How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
How I Met Your Mother is the best new show in a very long time!
13 October 2005
How I Met Your Mother is so worth watching! What great characters and amazing writing! This show is a Hit! Finally something to tune in to on Monday nights. Not since Friends have the characters on a sit com bonded like this. I love that there are 3 guys and 2 girls..The writing is fresh and in control and productive.....I particularly enjoy the Ted with the shirt episode - what a unique story line and all the characters just seem to work so well together. I love the added suspense of "who is Ted going to end up with". The character of Ted does an amazing job! He has such a cuteness and innocence about him that makes the whole premise of "How I Met Your Mother" really work and keeps the audience so tuned in to find out what is going to happen next! You have accumulated such a great staff of writers!!! Amazing new show! Our office is taking turns staging Monday night soirees to watch! This premise really works! Keep us the good work! Keep Monday night TV rolling along! Yeah!! Hilarious!
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