Flight 29 Down (2005–2007)
Fun, cute new show with lots of action and it is not LOST!
17 October 2005
I love this new show. I will quote someone who posted on message board below who gave good summary why this show is not the same as Lost!

"So I actually saw this show and loved it. I think it has lots of potential and I'm curious to see how it develops. And yes, the idea is much like Lost (I'm a huge fan of Lost) with a plane crashing and trapping a group of people on a tropical island. But Lost was also not the very first story to have that setting! Hello!? Blue Lagoon? Lord of the Flies? Gilligan's Island? Castaway? and the list goes on OF COURSE! because it really is an interesting concept. Throwing people on a deserted island and watching their behavior as they are stripped of the modern world and it's social structures can give a lot of insight and spark many questions regarding humanity in general. Also, Flight 29 Down's approach to this microcosmic concept is different to that of Lost's. I mean, at the very least, they are completely different genres!

It's interesting how much debate this show has gotten over whether or not it is a "ripoff." But people fail to notice that all over the internet it says that this show was in production before Lost was even on the air, and that the creators had been working with it for years, long before lost was even heard of. And If it really were a ripoff, then they worked impossibly fast in writing, pitching the script to Discovery Kids, casting, shooting, and getting it on the air after Lost became a hit, which was now only a year ago. It generally takes longer than a year to get an idea to become a show, and to get a show on the air. But regardless, Flight 29 Down really was made before Lost was on T.V.

Also, If I may toss in two more cents, Lost and Flight 29 Down are not the only two similar shows out there. How many sitcoms about families and their dumb dads are there? A LOT more than two. and we never stop enjoying them! well...that's not true; sometimes we get sick of them. but nonetheless, they keep getting made. But for some reason, no one calls any of them "knock offs."

Anyway, Flight 29 Down has a lot to offer. That much is apparent in the first two episodes. And I'm ready for a good family show."
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