Not the most original movie ever
28 October 2005
I mean come on, at least come up with your own title, although if people's brains really die when the temperature outside reaches 105 degrees, that could explain why the south contains so many red states.

Overall this movie is less entertaining than an afternoon of Fox News. No need to spend your hard earned money to watch Ann Coulter's Adam's apple bob up and down when she talks - you can watch it for free on TV! I bet there's a Fox News Alert on right now. Go check! Far more interesting than this movie, guaranteed.

If you really want some bang for your entertainment buck, check out Bill O'Reilly's audio book, "Those Who Trespass." Just to wet your whistle, here's an excerpt:

"Stripping off her bathing-suit, she walked into the huge shower. She pulled the lime green curtain across the entrance and then set the water for a tepid 75-degrees. The spray felt great against her skin as she ducked her head underneath the nozzle. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the tingling sensation of water flowing against her body. Suddenly another sensation entered, Ashley felt two large hands wrap themselves around her breasts and hot breathe on the back of her neck. She opened her eyes wide and giggled, "I thought you drowned out there snorkel man." Tommy O'Malley was naked and at attention. "Drowning is not an option", he said, "unless of course you beg me to perform unnatural acts - right here in this shower."

Woo hoo! I'm getting so excited just from reading that! Besides, you can get a copy on Amazon for $0.01. This coaster will cost ya 15 bucks. It might be your only chance to hear O'Reilly talk dirty unless you work for him.

To sum up:

This movie sucks.

Fox News sucks but it is a lot cheaper.

Ann Coulter has an Adam's apple and that is gross.

Bill O'Reilly is one smooth talker!
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