Review of Habit

Habit (1995)
Hard to watch
31 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really bothered me. It was incredibly slow and although the sex scenes were really unique, the plot line DRAGGED...this guy was such a drunk you felt bad for him, but after a while it was like COME ON even this guy's addiction was boring... The funny thing I noticed was his front tooth was missing in most of the movie but in the scene at the funeral/memorial for his father he has two front teeth. I dunno...I usually LOVE independent films, but this one dragged on for quite some time. The relationship he has had with the woman that is hooked up with his friend is hinted at throughout the movie, but you never really get a feel for what it was about. What the hell did the boat have to do with anything? Lenny has sex with the girl on the boat, supposedly...then he got sick, how come the main character didn't ever go ON the boat? Then at the end, everyone was on the boat...the biggest tragedy to me was the death of the cat. I hoped our main man would die from scene one when he was drunk off of his butt at the party. Not a very likable guy...
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