Snowmans Pass is a classic!
1 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, classic unintentional humour. You have to see this movie, I've seen it about 5 or 6 times now and cant wait until Marc Singer begins to lose the plot about half way in. This guy overacts but it is so funny. His dialogue and gestures are classic. The amount of times he tries to get the heroine to "talk about it" and/or "make a deal" is hilariously too many.

Using a basic laptop and pretending it has some amazing search program on it, the Three Stooges hire some blonde from Baywatch to help them track down her dead boyfriends body. But there real evil plan is to find some satellite that fell out of the sky. Curt (Marc Singer) is the boss who simply orders his cronies Hugo and Tyler about but with little success. Tyler rebels (!) and ends up getting thrown off a cliff in a hilarious stand off scene but it turns out the cliff was only about a few feet deep. Tyler then spends the rest of the film unconscious, which is no bad thing. Curt (the ultimate mastermind) then orders Hugo( Stephane Henchoz) around looking for the Baywatch girl but he falls for some insane tricks. It then turns into a scoobydoo cartoon type film with the Baywatch Blonde constantly getting the better of Curt and Hugo. The final showdown with Curt is so fantastically overplayed, it made me laugh for ages and crave the next showing off this.

I advise all to check this out for a good laugh.
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