Excellent first rate cult flick! **** out of 5
13 November 2005
Not sure what's with the low rating here but this is really a cult classic. Having just watched this for the first time last night I was somewhat expecting a shoddily made terribly written trash epic, that would have been cool too cause being a fan of cult film, I like that stuff. But imagine my surprise when this turned out to be a well directed film that featured good acting and fantastic suspense sequences.

There is nothing about this film that glorifies rape. It is filmed in such a way that we detest what is happening on screen. It baffles me how Roger Ebert (my favorite movie critic by the way) can call this the worst film ever made and praise Wes Craven's "Last House On The Left" (He gave it 3 1/2 out of 4 stars!). I always had a problem with that film because it tried to incorporate scenes of a bumbling sheriff and his deputy in between the rape scenes, which to me, just felt wrong and out of place and anything but funny.

Basically in the first hour of I.S.O.Y.G. it is about a young woman who comes decides to vacation at a lake for the summer and as soon as she arrives, she's raped by four men. The second hour is about revenge.

The film features many memorable death sequences but the castration scene is by far the most harrowing and suspenseful scene that I have ever seen in a film. I have never cringed so much in my life.

Admittedly the film isn't flawless. There are times where things work out a little too conveniently for Jennifer. But we might not have the film we have here if they didn't.

It is a must see for any horror fan. But be warned... it can be very hard to watch. It is a true cult classic.
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