Review of Code Red

Code Red (2001 TV Movie)
I saw it last night
27 November 2005
I saw it last night. Did it look like Predator? Yes. Did it look like Enemy Mine? Probably. I never saw Enemy Mine. Did it look like The Last Starfighter? No. How about Alien? Yes, vaguely. Was it a ripoff of those movies? DEFINITELY NOT! Nothing is original. One reviewer said that the took Borg costumes from Star Trek: TNG. If you remember Star Trek: TNG, and I do, then you'll know that the Borg didn't wear helmets that covered their entire heads. They had flashlights for eyes. So as not to spoil it, I'm giving a thumbnail of the plot. Marine suffers nervous breakdown. Marine is brought out of retirement to find his missing brother. Marine joins SEAL team find his missing brother and alien cyborg. Militants want alien weapons. Militants are eaten by man-eating alien bugs. Want more? Watch the movie. I ain't givin' away no more secrets.
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